Bible Talks

Below is a list of presentations to help you on your spiritual journey to the kingdom. Please feel free to share them with anyone who will benefit.
Presentations are just Audio & Slides
, like a powerpoint presentation, which can be projected on a screen at a hall. You can also view them on your tablet, phone, or computer.
All HTML presentations are lighter-weight
but better quality, and are ideal for those with limited bandwidth or equipment, and who have to pay a lot for their internet. Whereas a video download is a heavier-weight
option, it has the advantage of requiring no internet once it has been downloaded.
If anyone would be interested in working with us to record an audio translation of a talk, we would be happy to hear from you, and to help you do it!
Science & The Bible - Matt Farey (30mins)Following a trip to the Science Museum. This talk is a quick look at one feature of Nature that Science has explained to us all; Science’s major flaw, and then at what Bible has to say about one aspect of the water cycle, and what it means for us/
Paul & Silas help build the early church in Thessalonica. As Geoff gives his talk, you will see images that will bring to life the hardships and persecutions they suffered. This drammatic true-to-life reconstruction was acted out by modern-day members of the same body of believers that Paul & Silas help start.
As well as the HTML slideshow [25MB], Paul & Silas In Thessalonica is available as audio in mp3 [10MB], or m4a [5MB] formats, and as standalone video in mp4 [45MB], or webm [25MB] formats. (transcript and notes coming soon)
2,500 years ago a King of Babylon, Nebuchadnazzar II (605-562 B.C.), had a remarkable dream, described in the Bible. The dream was a prophecy describing how world empires would come and go with the passage of time. History has shown that part of the dream to be true! The only bit yet to happen is that Jesus Christ, sits as king over a world-wide government.
As well as the h264 mp4 version [47MB], Dream of Empires is availble as h265 mp4 [28MB], or mp3 [4MB], or webm [34MB] formats.
The miraculous story of the Jewish people’s survival. This story shows how the Biblical prophecy that the Jews would not be destroyed but instead would again form a nation of Israel in our time, has come true. If you have ever wondered why all the attempts to destroy them have failed, and why instead they are here with us today as a nation, this little video is for you. If the Bible is right so far, what does this mean about the future? You are invited to watch and consider.
As well as the h264 mp4 version [208MB], Survivors is availble as mp3 [7MB], or webm [63MB] formats.
A dramatisation, by Christadelphians, of Dr. John Thomas’ life and works. We encourage you to read about the background to the film.
As well as the mp4 version [400MB], Dr. Thomas - Life & Works, is also available as h265 [240MB], and in mp3 audio only format [21MB].