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Brighton Bible Talks

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Podcast Audio & Documents
Jamie Wallace (23:26)
Do you worry about being ready for Jesus’ return? You can be ready with confidence through Jesus.
Transcripts: PDF, Apple, Kindle, DOCX, HTML, TXT
Henry Atkinson (26:13)
There are three that bear witness. Once we accept that, we also have a responsibility to bear witness.
Transcripts: PDF, Apple, Kindle, DOCX, HTML, TXT
Chris Farnworth (21:28)
The Raising of Lazarus
Transcripts: PDF, Apple, Kindle, DOCX, HTML, TXT
Jonathan Mitchell (40:21)
Advancing from Doubt to Faith by Embracing True Love
Many faithful Bible characters doubted: Moses, Abraham and the disciples of Jesus. Even Lot and his family ‘hesitated’, the angels took them by the hand and led them out of the city. God does the same for all of us too.
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Matt Farey (33:44)
Isaac was only bound temporarily, Abraham had faith in the resurrection. Yahweh provided the real sacrifice, and everyone in the world is offered eternal salvation through faith. Anyone who has ears, let them hear.
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Richard Harris (24:27)
Seven Lessons from Job in Times of Trouble
Job had lost everything and was even prepared to lose his life. Here are seven things we can learn from him.
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Matt Farey (32:32)
Life at the Bottom of the Boat
Jonah had to learn what it meant to have a meaningful relationship with God. So do we.
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Mark Hamilton (30:49)
Types in Esther
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James Wharton (29:33)
Progression from Ezra to Nehemiah and the way their faith continued in the New Testament
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Matt Farey (31:48)
Things Are Only Impossible Until They’re Not
The incredible achievements of people, and what we can achieve working with God. Lessons from Nehemiah 4
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John Carpenter (28:36)
Examples of written letters in Scripture and what we can learn from them
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Andrew Longman (28:22)
Work Out Your Own Salvation in Jesus Absence
They say ‘absence makes the heart grow fonder’ and ‘out of sight, out of mind’. Let us, to whom much is given, consider what is required of us, as we work out our own salvation before Jesus returns.
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Brian Morse-Glover (22:45)
When you look back on your life and unfulfilled dreams, be filled with gratitude to God and not with regret and bitterness.
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E Hingley (28:24)
The King requests our presence, who are we to turn away from such an invitation?
Matt Farey (29:27)
Leprosy is a terrible disease. This talk looks into the metaphorical meaning of Jesus’ healing of the Israelite suffering from Leprosy (Matthew 8)
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Mark Hamilton (26:33)
All You Who Are Thirsty, Come and Drink
We are mostly water, and need to regularly keep our fluid levels up.
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Matt Farey (27:48)
Hannah - Through Tears To Hope
Christians suffer all around the world. God’s followers always have. This is a look at the suffering of Hannah. (Bishop of Truro’s report on persecuted Christians)
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Mark Hamilton (30:59)
The shadows and types of the Law of Moses are fulfilled in Jesus Christ, and now we can be cleansed spiritually under then New Covenant just as the Jews were cleansed physically by the Old Covenant. (Hebrews 8,9)
Alex Wordsworth (30:04)
The Ways We Communicate and How God Communicates with Us Too
Peter Hone (24:51)
We love Him because He first loved us
Matt Farey (29:34)
Following a trip to the Science Museum. This talk is a quick look at one feature of Nature that Science has explained to us all; Science’s major flaw, and then at what Bible has to say about one aspect of the water cycle, and what it means for us.
Mark Hamilton (28:59)
Some of the types and shadows of the ‘mercy seat’ or ‘atonement cover’ (Exodus 37)
R. Stubbs (19:14)
The Triumph of the Righteous Over the Wicked
“Blessed are they that dwell in thy house: they will be still praising thee. A little while, and the wicked will be no more; though you look for them, they will not be found. Blessed are those whose strength is in you, whose hearts are set on pilgrimage.” (Psalm 84)
Mitt Glover (25:40)
How to spend our voluntary time effectively.
Clifford Wharton (28:48)
Insights Into the Mind of Jesus
Reflections on Psalms as a way to understand how Jesus felt.
Mark Hamilton (24:03)
John’s advice on how to get along which each other.
Duncan Cooke (32:15)
Job’s friends speak with him and he speaks with God.
Ian Giles (26:39)
The Suffering Servant: Parallels Between Jesus, Job and Isaiah
Clifford Wharton (33:34)
Being About The Lord’s Business
A talk to help us focus our energy more on the things of God and less on our own affairs.
Jack Parks (18:49)
If God is with you, who can be against you? Have courage in difficult times.
Simon Boyd (27:00)
Is collective punishment a bad thing? Even when God does it? A look at the bigger picture.
Matthew Farey (26:40)
Drinking the blood and eating the flesh of Jesus Christ so that we might have life, a challenging statement
David Evans (24:08)
When Jesus gave messages to the early Christian church, we should listen up as well!
Mark Hamilton (27:58)
Jesus Confronts the Spiritual Leaders of His Day
When Jesus speaks, he is direct, straight-forward and almost mocking in his parabolic criticism. Do not think his words were merely for that generation, as usual, we too, have a lot to learn eg. not looking down on others.
Matt Farey (18:51)
The underlying lesson from these parables and miracles is to have faith. The good seed has to be sown in faith; the storms of life have to be faced with faith; God’s decisions for us have to be accepted in faith. (Luke 8)
Mark Hamilton (27:48)
We look at Mary, Elizabeth and Zechariah and how the faith of righteous followers is tested in the moment. Jesus is coming back soon, how will we react to the angel? (Luke 1)
John Wall (33:16)
Let’s not take for granted the Creation Jesus had made possible through suffering.
Mark Hamilton (25:57)
3000 year old guidance for our futures...
Matt Snelling (26:50)
Lessons from Mark 14 including your private actions, and the public and private actions of Jesus. (based on Mark 14)
Mark Hamilton (24:49)
How Jesus showed us the way, on passed criticism and legalism towards love.
Richard Harris (20:08)
The strong should serve the weak. Powerful words to take to heart.
Lyle Bowen (31:45)
We all fall short of the glory of God, and we do not have righteousness in ourselves. It all comes from God.
Gordon Webb (19:34)
God always makes it clear how we act, and yet we choose to do it our way, not His.
D. Webb (27:54)
Different from world leaders, Jesus had a meek and humble approach to life. He knows how we suffer and he prays on our behalf.
Mark Hamilton (21:12)
Holiness. The harmony between Isaiah and Revelation. (Isaiah 56,57; Revelation 21,22)
F. C. Wood (21:40)
Jesus knows what we do and even our motivations and thoughts, he also knows our inner struggles, our difficulties, and he has promised us that he will give us a crown of everlasting life, if we overcome.
Joel Toms (25:31)
Seeing is Believing. Faith too.
Matt Farey (27:29)
The Positive Side of Guilt and Regret
All things work for the good for those that love God, even guilt and regret, so in this talk we try to see through clouds of guilt and regret to the victory we have been given in Christ, ‘forgetting the things behind and reaching forward to the things ahead’
Matt Farey (27:14)
Allowing Christ to be our victory, by letting go of everything that frustrates God’s purpose with us. (based on Hebrews 10). Listen to all of Hebrews in one go, make sure you check the autoplay box.
Richard Perfitt (28:17)
Keeping faith with God in the last days before Jesus returns. (based on 2 Timothy 3,4; Isaiah 17)
Andrew Longman (22:48)
Does your unbelief limit how much Jesus can work in your life?
Duncan Cooke (21:31)
Take a look at Paul’s example, and get some inspiration from his tireless dedication, working hard even when he was in chains in Rome.
Ray Coates (13:00)
We should rule over our tongues. Indeed “If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God” [1 Peter 4.11] (based on Proverbs 25)
Matt Farey (18:52)
As Jesus rapidly approaches, we must be embrace our purpose in a world tending towards meaninglessness.
James Wharton (22:38)
Clothe Yourselves with The Lord Jesus Christ
How to be really different, in a good way.
Gary Whiting (24:56)
Enter through Jesus our door and in time of trouble, retreat into Yahweh our strong tower, and rely on Him.
Henry Atkinson (Matt Farey) (21:07)
This talk is about the certainty of the promises of God.
Matt Farey (33:12)
A lesson on humility from Luke 17
F H Jakeman (24:14)
Our All-Powerful and All-Seeing God
Everything that we are, is known to God, and He is able to raise us again, if we please Him.
Mark Hamilton (26:10)
Jesus paints things in a positive light
Phil Dunbirch (33:24)
What do others call you? Who does God know you as? Witnessing the truth.
Ryo Tabusa (26:57)
Living with Unbelief
Matt Farey (35:02)
The Incredible Example of Jesus. Mark 14.
Matt Farey (34:51)
Jesus is all we need. Mark 7.
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Graham Lake (26:43)
Moses wasn’t superhuman. His qualities of humility, patience, obedience and faithfulness were won via suffering. Let him be an inspiration to us.
Mark Hamilton (27:51)
A look at Psalm 50, and its insights into the future, despite it having been written so very long ago.
H W Hathaway (17:55)
Through the life of Joseph we see the purpose of God that through suffering, our characters are perfected... that it is worth it in the end
Mark Hamilton (28:32)
A look at the faith of those that surrounded Abraham
Geoff Mitchell (15:20)
Jesus Really Does Know What It’s Like
Jesus really did have to struggle and suffer all through his life.
Ray Coates (15:47)
Troubled Israel will be rescued, and false religions outlawed by Jesus.
Mark Hamilton (33:15)
An encouraging look at those of the 144,000 in Revelation 7.
Richard Harris (22:57)
No suffering is meaningful unless you can use it for good. Here are a few lessons from Job’s life to help us do just that.
M D Southgate (22:03)
Warnings written for us: Don’t take your place in the kingdom for granted! A call to be singleminded.
Matt Farey (24:24)
Jonah viewed through a secular lens. (Much of the start of this talk is taken from Prof. Jordan B. Peterson’s YouTube Channel, specifically his observations on Jonah.)
Gordon Webb (22:33)
Thoughts from Nehemiah 6
Matt Farey (30:14)
Acts 28.21 “We have not received any letters from Judea concerning you, and none of our people who have come from there has reported or said anything bad about you.” The Chief Priests sent accusers with Paul, on the last ship of the winter. But their letters didn’t survive. The accuser’s lives were given to Paul, and they saw him heal and lead Malta to Jesus. Little wonder they had nothing bad to say when they arrived in Rome.
Henry Atkinson (26:35)
What was Paul’s approach to preaching, and how can we learn from it?
Matt Farey (28:42)
When Stephen’s life was on the line, what did he say?
Simon Boyd (27:26)
Sarah, the wife of Abraham was made young again so the plan of God could progress. We will be too.
Gordon Webb (22:46)
It is a gift to be a part of the family of God with such a future.
Ray Coates (13:45)
It is good for us to revise, recall, remember, rededicate and repent... And to guard against drifting away from what we already know.
Julian Crisp (27:16)
Things Written For Our Learning
Henry Atkinson (30:33)
Chris Farnworth (26:15)
The Golden Thread of Yahweh’s Love
Clifford Wharton (30:34)
Gerard Clements (13:41)
Tony Hone (23:16)
Simon Perfitt (23:01)
The perfection of Jesus brings us boldly to God. (Leviticus 10, Hebrews 10)
Ray Coates (21:56)
When Jesus healed people he often took them away from the masses, why did he do that and what can we learn from it? (Mark 8)
Robert Roberts (22:32)
Many are called, few are chosen. What does it take to be accepted? (Psalms 64)
J. M. Evans and Matt Farey (30:07)
We have been given the free gift of grace, but how do we accept it? (2 Samuel 16, Romans 5,6)
Tony Hone (21:35)
Jesus is coming unexpectedly, will you be ready? - Matthew 24
Colin Attridge (21:55)
Matthew teaches us you too can make a u-turn in the direction of Jesus - Matthew 17
Lyle Bowen (41:24)
How certain can you be that Jesus is coming soon? A look at some fulfillment of prophecy, and what it means for you and me, TODAY! - Isaiah 65
John Wall (24:00)
Humans want to make a name for themselves, but God’s purpose is to make a Name for Himself, and His purpose is certain. My counsel shall stand, and I will accomplish all my purpose
- Isaiah 46.10, ... the promise that I make does not return to me, having accomplished nothing. No, it is realized as I desire and is fulfilled as I intend.
- Isaiah 55.11
Andrew Longman (22:15)
Observing days, from father’s day to the Lord’s day, to being ready!
Matt Farey (30:09)
The storm is coming, so stand up and look up, and if you need help with that, ask your brothers and sisters who love you. Our redemption is coming closer by the day. (based on Isaiah 35, Prof. Jay’s Rotherham Inquiry, p42, section 5.9 [PDF])
Matt Farey (33:46)
Three Ways to Look at the Term “Building Up”
This talk explores three concepts within the term “Building Up”. Whether “Possessions”, “Towards Jesus’ Second Coming” or “One Other”. It also deals with modern day idolatry. (based on 2 Kings 17; Ezekiel 7; Luke 3)
Joel Toms (16:14)
A fresh look at the parable of the sower. What type of ground are you? How can we condition our hearts for God?
C. C. Walker (23:35)
Jesus is the center of our Universe, our captain, head, corner stone, clothes, truth, way, hope and future. God gave us a reflection of Himself in Jesus. What a gift!
Clifford Wharton (23:17)
The truly astonishing similarities between the suffering of Jesus and Jeremiah. Another example of the internal harmony of the Bible.
W. R. Mitchell (24:22)
We all have those moments where we resist what we know to be the right path. Whether it’s a mean spirited reply, a refusal to submit to a command of God, or just a thought, we all have our own will and desire. This talk is about these moments and why we must learn to make the right choices.
John Wharton (23:00)
Jesus is THE Name by which you can be saved. Should all religions be united under a common God, or is there really only one way to have eternal life. Taking a look at who Jesus was and is, should answer this question.
Julian Crisp (24:18)
Stay Awake and Walk in the Light
As Christians we are not of the darkness. Jesus calls us to stay awake until He comes. To walk in the light, and have an enthusiastic faith. (based on Matthew 25)
Eric Toms (24:34)
The Lesson of the Little Child
As we “grow up” we leave our childlike selves behind. But Jesus says that it is good to become “like this little child” So how do we retrace our steps, rediscover our childlike nature, while still being spiritually mature? (based on Matthew 18)
Gordon Webb (25:18)
“Life doesn’t always go the way we want, and it wouldn’t be good for us if it did”. This talk explores suffering by contrasting the lives of Saul and David.
Alan Day (23:18)
The true followers of Jesus should live in harmony with each other. A diverse non-judgmental unity. Actually, to be able to unite around beautiful common beliefs is a gift.
Matt Farey (31:02)
Hannah. Why do we suffer? Why do we suffer for so long? How can a loving God allow it? Cause it even? A look at the life of Hannah and how she can help us answer these questions. (based on 1 Samuel 1; this talk was given after Britain voted to leave Europe)
Lyle Bowen (35:55)
Ever wondered how Bible prophecy applies to ‘right now’? Listen to this talk! (based on Isaiah 43)
Michael Guest (39:25)
God knows the end from the beginning, this is often called His ‘foreknowledge’ and looking at some examples of this in the Scriptures should help us to have condfidence in His promises
Richard Perfitt (33:10)
Prepare Yourselves For The Return of Jesus
“The Most High rules in the Kingdoms of men, and gives them to whomever he wills” A statement of the authority of The Living God. Couple this statement with prophecy happening now in our life-times, and we should be “looking up” because Jesus is on His way!
Phil Dunbirch (33:30)
Jesus is described in the Bible as the ‘first fruits’ from the dead. In other words, the new creation comes through him, we can rise from the dead and live forever, and he was the first one of the new creation and the first one that rose forever!
Matt Farey (35:31)
Today we have lots of pressures on us to believe all kinds of ideas. Colossians was written to people with the same problem. See what Paul’s advice was to them and us! (based on Colossians)
Matt Farey (28:18)
One day soon, all the faithful will meet Jesus, and the Bible pictures this moment as being like a Bride that will get married to Jesus. So the question is ‘what qualities do we need to posses to attract him?’ (based on Song of Songs 1) Here‘s a great poem on ‘being the change’
John Wall (33:27)
When someone says this to you, it’s usually in sarcastic disbelief that what you have promised will come true. God’s promises to the world are sure and certain.
J.B. Strawson (23:00)
Humility, Love and Togetherness
It’s easy to say we’re Christian, but do we always act like it? This talk reminds us of the responsibility we have towards each other: to act with love, in humbleness of spirit, and in harmony as after all - we are members of Christ’s body.
Graham Lake (29:48)
A look at the way the word ‘sealed’ as used in the Bible, can give us confidence in the future.
Matt Farey (25:47)
Always be ready to give a reason for the faith that is in you. Be instant in prayer. Speak God’s words. A speech to encourage us to speak up for others out of love. (based on Numbers 20)
Alec Fisher (34:29)
Having a relationship with God isn’t about what you don’t, it’s about what you DO. Learn to see things God’s way, stop trying to please people and start learning to let go for God. (based on Mark 10)
Ray Coates (21:22)
Many people think the Bible is a fairy story. In recent times Noah’s Flood has come under criticism. Yesterday it was beliefs about the Universe. In this talk we see that given long enough, Science does eventually catch up with the Bible.
Lyle Bowen (35:44)
It’s sometimes all too easy to go through life without speaking out, but when it comes to your faith, don’t be afraid to be bold, you will have The Almighty’s support.
Clifford Wharton (26:55)
The Disciples that followed Jesus, fled in fear for their lives when Jesus was killed, so what made them bold enough to preach openly, and suffer and even die for their faith?
John Carpenter (28:50)
Always Look on the Bright Side of Life
Grumbling is really only appropriate if you don’t think that God has control of your life, but as Children of a loving God, ‘we know that all things work together for good for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose’ (Romans 8.28) so we should be patient.
Matt Farey (38:58)
Falling in-love is not just a trick of nature to ensure the next generation. It’s a taste of what life will be like in the Kingom of God
W Hilton (27:04)
“God Manifestation” is an old-fashioned term that means “to show God” - Christians should show God’s personality in the way we live. How we treat others is a public sign of the truth of our beliefs. We all make mistakes, but how should we try to live?
Matt Farey (31:51)
Confusion is everywhere. It’s easy to get things wrong. This talk is about various confused ways of man in the current Age, and compares this with the clear and beautiful Age of Jesus’ coming Kingdom of God (based on Genesis 11)
Duncan Cooke (30:07)
Little Children have a charm all of their own, so what was about children that Jesus loved? Why did Jesus say we should accept the kingdom of God like little children?
Robert Roberts (21:00)
A 120 year old talk. Contrasting the godless perspective of a silent and therefore non-existent God, with the godly opinion that God is silent for good reason, and only until a given time, when He will most definitely not be silent or distant! The “Things of God” are understood by those who are “of the Father”. Nearly 11 minutes into the talk, Matt takes over, so expect a change in voice! (based on Hebrews 3, Psalm 50)
Ray Coates (10:59)
In a world of frequently changing and often conflicting advice, this simple talk asks us to live by Scriptures and avoid being “blown around” by the latest ideas. (based on Matthew 5)
Mark Hamilton (33:53)
Today we look at a few chapters in The Revelation to do with “The Lamb”, and see what they mean to us now and in our immediate future. This is an uncompromising “Historical Interpretation” of Revelation, God’s views on The Holy Roman Catholic Church and her offshoots, as well as Muhammadans (Muslims) are put very plainly. We are all individually responsible for our reaction to what the Bible says, and are free to read it, and are freed by reading it, for ourselves. This is a challenging talk about the coming Kingdom and what it means for the Earth. (based on Revelation 14 forwards)
C.C. Walker (27:31)
God’s message in Bible is consistent. In Isaiah we see the words of Christ in Revelation - a call to life. We see examples of the faithless and faithful; and we are asked to choose life. The time is now. While we are still alive there’s still hope.
Chris Farnworth (32:59)
Ever think God isn’t getting it right. Too harsh with some, while allowing suffering and evil to continue unpunished? This talk is for you. (based on Habakkuk)
Ray Coates (18:43)
The War is Coming, but Then What?
We can all see WW3 on the way. Storm clouds gathering in the Middle East. But what does the Bible have to say about how that war will end? Who will end it? What of Israel? In this talk, we meet a different kind of Jesus. Jesus, no longer meek and mild, but pictured as a young lion, with anger and fury destroying those who destroy the earth, and all that choose to fight against him. (based on Micah)
Clifford Wharton (31:55)
Redemption: You Can Be In The Kingdom of God
What gives us confidence that we can be in the Kingdom, given the great gap between us and God. Well it is precisely the recognition of this great gap that gives us confidence! God has crossed this gap with Jesus. In knowing Him, we have everything we need to be saved. (Based on Hebrews 1 & 2; Psalm 97)
Matt Farey (21:31)
Do you think God is remote? How do we get to know Him, what’s He like? The talk is about how we respond to Him, and how we get to know Him. (Based on 1 Timothy 4.7-9; 1 Thessalonians 5.16-18; Colossians 2.6-7)
Ray Coates (13:44)
You Are Dead?
What? You might be asking! This talk focuses on this stark expression used by Paul, and explains that far from being a negative situation, it’s actually a good thing! Listen to Ray as he uses the Bible to explain Paul’s meaning. (Based on Colossians 3 & 4)
John Wall (26:43)
Written in The Books of Remembrance and Life
Never forget that whatever you do is written in The Book of Remembrance, and that if you never give up, your name is written in The Book of Life.
Matt Farey (25:57)
Do you ever feel not quite good enough
to live life as a Christian. Feelings of this type separate us from God. The Bible is clear that we can be seen as good enough, even if we aren’t. If you feel the pressure of living life as a Christian, this talk is about the antedote to that pressure. The presence of The Living God in your life as he creates a new you.
R.T.W. Smalley (24:45)
Back To Basics. Almost 2000 years ago in an upper room, on the night Jesus was betrayed, he and his Disciples shared a simple meal and some Bread and Wine
. Not long after that various beliefs and ideas sprung up, and traditions started growing around the symbols of bread and wine. So, when Christians remember Jesus by sharing Bread and Wine
, what’s it all about? What did it mean for Jesus and his Disciples? And what should it mean for us today?
Simon Boyd (27:19)
Accept The Wisdom and Love Sent From Above
What is Wisdom the Antidote too? Where does wisdom come from? How do we show wisdom in our lives? All great questions! Listen along as Simon takes us through the God’s answers to these questions.
Ray Coates (12:32)
Look, Listen and Think Carefully!
It is not enough to just hear or see the message, but not consider it carefully. So meditate on God’s word, and make it your own, and put it into practise enthusiastically. With authenticity.
Martin Southgate (29:14)
True Faithfulness - John The Baptist
Today we have it easy as Christians, but times have been tough historically. In the 1st century AD, you could be killed for your beliefs. You were likely on the run or hiding out in a cave somewhere, it wasn’t much easier in the centuries to come! How do we do justice to our calling, and how do we act faithfully in a time of ease? Starting with words from Hebrews 11, this talk looks at John The Baptist, to see what it means to put your faith into action.
Tony Hone (24:14)
In stark contrast to organised religion, Jesus tells us very plainly, we are free to (1) Love God, and (2) Love our neighbours. We are not free to judge, not free to look around and criticise. We are free to love, and this is what true freedom means.
Gary Whiting (28:31)
Names, genealogies, they seem daunting. But God knows each of us by name. All those lists of name in Chronicles are alive to Him. We are part of His Family.
Clifford Wharton (30:24)
Some people say Jesus was just a great moral teacher
rather than the Son of God. But is he just merely this? Jesus Christ either deceived mankind by conscious fraud, or He was Himself deluded and self-deceived, or He really was Divine. There is no getting out of this trilemma. It is inexorable. This talk examines the Love that Jesus showed in his life, and we leave it up to you to decide whether he really was the Son of God.
Ray Coates (12:45)
Prayer. Let your words be few, humble, even in your head, but with grace and thankfulness, cast your care on Yahweh, because He is listening.
Julian Crisp (22:23)
Listening to God. Accept what He says, now, whole-heartedly, read the Bible and gain the faith you are offered. Don’t miss out. Jesus is coming soon. because what can be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. For since the creation of the world his invisible attributes — his eternal power and divine nature — have been clearly seen, because they are understood through what has been made. So people are without excuse.
- Romans 1. 19,20 (NET)
Patrick Irving (20:45)
Normally we don’t like the idea that we need forgiveness, nor do we like to know that God has mercy on us... But as we grow older we realise that we are not the people we want to be, nor are we the people God wants us to be. And we become glad that He is so forgiving and so merciful. That we are chosen in spite of our failings. We can’t earn salvation, so instead let us all accept it, with thankful hearts.
Phil Dunbirch (30:40)
Search For God - And He Will Find You
That time when you cannot find a friend in a crowded station, and you both go round in circles, and keep missing each other. Well God says that if you search for Him, He will find you- what a guarantee! So what are you waiting for?
Henry Atkinson and Gordon Webb (28:31)
Life Lessons From Two Sons of King David
3000 years ago the 3rd ruler of Israel, wise King Solomon, was gradually corrupted by wealth and wives. In this talk the two richest and most powerful sons of King David are compared: Solomon & Jesus. What lessons can we draw from their lives?
Ray Coates (16:34)
Based on Jeremiah 23. Search for and never let go of the Truth. Keep enthusiastic, and never take it for granted. As Proverbs 25.2 says: It is the glory of God to conceal a thing, but the honour of kings is to seach out a matter.
So search!
Norman Skinner (29:51)
The Attitudes, Feelings and Thoughts of Christ, based on Matthew 27
Jesus spent a lot of time in reflection and prayer. He lived and died alone in a crowd. His life was ended brutally when he suffered on the cross; but this talk asks us to consider the everyday suffering of Jesus as he attempted to be a sinless leader and teacher of men in a hostile world.
Mark Hamilton (23:26)
We know that we need to be baptised, but what was the baptism of Jesus? Based on Matthew 20.
Lyle Bowen (35:39)
The Bible predicts the conditions that will be on the earth before Jesus returns (not that great!], but what about the times and dates of WHEN he will come? Listen to a talk discussing some ideas about when Jesus will return... Of course ’no-one knows the day or the hour’, but it certainly focuses our minds to think about the possibilities.
G M Clements (24:08)
Seeing is not as Good as Believing
As youth leads to middle age leads to old age, we tend to consider our past and futures more. God says that the things that seem most real, those things we can touch and see, are not as permanent as those ideas we cannot see. As Christians we have hope in a bright, as yet unseen, future.
C C Walker (26:51)
The Certainty of our Christian Inheritance
The Bible traces Jesus’ lineage; maps of the Holy Land still show the place-names of the cities and villages in the Bible. The Bible is clear. Anyone who faithfully believes in Jesus are guaranteed a part in God’s predicted beautiful future.
John Morse (31:50)
Make the choice not to go astray, ending with a reminder of what Jesus has done for us
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Michael Guest (39:25)
Attention to detail is often a requirement of our daily work. Do we have the same eye for perfection in our Spiritual life?
Ray Coates (15:40)
Be Patient as God Establishes your Faith
Life isn’t easy sometimes, but as Christians we have the assurance that "all things work out well for those that love God" - so let’s try to be joyful and patient as we go through the hardships that God asks us to cope with.
A Hone (22:48)
Live Your Faith Enthusiastically
An encouraging talk on these verses: [2 Peter 1.5-8] "make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; and to godliness, mutual affection; and to mutual affection, love. For if you possess these qualities in increasing measure, they will keep you from being ineffective and unproductive in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ"
C A Ladson (24:24)
Dig Deep - Found Your Faith On Rock
Dig deep! Your faith needs a strong foundation - the Rock that is Christ.
Richard Perfitt (25:58)
The book of Daniel, in the Old Testament, has a lesson for all proud people: It’s God that’s in control. The Countries and kingdoms and republics and municipalities and states and... Yes, all of them. And He’s getting them ready for the handover to the Messiah at his second coming.
Jack Parkes (23:07)
Live as if Jesus Might Return Immediately
The Bible speaks of the Second Coming of Christ, and says Jesus will come unexpectedly, like a thief at night-time. So how do we make ourselves ready for him? How do we live in expectation, genuinely, in a daily state of readiness? How much faith do we need to truly wait for Jesus?
Alan Day (25:13)
Early Christian Leadership in Adversity
In the early days of Christianity in the 1st century AD, Christians underwent persecution, torture and false accusation. They were often hounded, and ultimately killed. Today, in a tolerant society, what can we learn by remembering their faithfulness. What made them endure such suffering?
Matt Farey (22:55)
It is our Responsibility to Share our Experiences
As Christians, sharing our experiences and thoughts is important. Tell your story to those around you with confidence, and others might decide that being a Christian is for them too. Personal witness and stories are powerful and non-threatening.
Ray Coates (12:43)
Being Different, Committed and Separate
In the Bible, the Apostle Paul describes the society that will exist just before Jesus comes back. What can we learn by looking at Paul’s description? What’s Paul’s advice to us when we find ourselves living in that society?
David Evans (28:47)
Each Christian is Called Out from the Population
Right now, April 2015, we are watching the United Kingdom general election. Christians are also called, chosen, elected. Who are we chosen by? What are our responsibilities? And why me!?
W H Boulton (26:46)
The unequal agreement which is the New Covenant between God and Man made possible through Christ. We have all the obligations, but God offers all the benefits.
R W Mitchell (24:47)
Christ Foretold through Miracles
In the Old Testament miracles were done sixteen centuries before Jesus’ birth, they all foretold Jesus’ life and death. How is this? A look at some of these miracles.
Alec Fisher (23:18)
The parables of Jesus are designed to be absolutely simple. To be understood by humble people who truly want to hear. But they are also designed to be road-blocks to proud people. So how do you react to Jesus’s parables?
Gary Whiting (26:38)
How To Be A Committed Disciple
The Law of Moses is often criticised as being harsh, or even irrelevant, so is it? Could those laws be more about spirit than letter? Also we hear about Christ’s definition of what laws we need to follow, and what that means for our commitment.
Matt Farey (29:18)
Our Weaknesses - The Christian Perspective
It’s generally accepted that failure is the route to success, but weakness, failure’s little brother, is still taboo. What does God say about weakness in the Bible? What’s the Christian perspective on weakness?
Clifford Wharton (30:30)
Joseph - A Man Who Put His Trust In Yahweh Always - No Matter What
Joseph, a man of integrity and faith in difficult circumstances. A man betrayed, sold, enslaved, victimised, mistrusted, imprisoned, forgotten, remembered, liberated, believed, empowered. A man of generosity and of forgiveness. An example to us all. A man whose life foretold Jesus’ life.
Gordon Webb (24:19)
Paul Preaching in a Society A Lot Like Ours - 1st Century Greece
Paul as he preached in Greece. In the first century Greece was much like our culture, permissive, godless and proud of it. It might be unexpected to us, but this is sometimes fertile ground for the Gospel - the Good News of Jesus Christ.
Ray Coates (24:19)
The Bible predicts “perilous times” before Jesus’ return. Looking around, it’s hard to see how that’s not an accurate description of today’s world. However, the Bible also describes a Kingdom when Jesus will rule a peaceful world in Righteousness. That’s a vision and a government we can get behind!!
Duncan Cooke (31:08)
Don’t be Troubled by the Temporary Tempest
It’s easy to let our troubles weigh on us. But the example of Jesus asleep during the storm shows us we have nothing to fear but our state of mind during our troubles. Jesus was amazed at the lack of faith of his disciples; we are Jesus’ disciples.
Islip Collier (21:47)
Necessary Imperfection in God’s Creation
Why do we suffer? Why do we have to struggle? Why didn’t God create us all perfect at the start? These questions are more answered from a talk first given in the early 1900’s.
Lyle Bowen (32:52)
Jesus was a man, made strong for us.
Ray Coates (26:13)
Jesus In Prophesy; God’s plan for the Future
The plan and purpose for us to be saved through Jesus is the long term aim of God as we see through prophecy, and we praise God for this.
Roy Toms (21:23)
Are human beings special and not just another animal? What does the answer mean for why we are here and where we are going?
Mark Hamilton (20:46)
As we review 2014’s world political events with our Bible in hand, are we in any doubt that Jesus return will be soon?
Duncan Cooke (33:46)
Jesus: The Way, The Truth, The Life
Jesus is truthfully, the way to obtaining life. So let’s do what our Father wants us to, together.
Gordon Webb (25:01)
Job, His Friends, and lessons for us today.
Continuing our look at Job, this talk recognises Yahweh’s complete authority in our lives. All we need to do is recognise that, be non-judgmental, and hold on.
Ray Coates (19:26)
It Will Be Worth It In The End
Despite all the bad things that happened to Job, he always laid the blame at his Heavenly Father’s feet; refused to “curse God and die” and in the end, Yahweh praised him, and asked Job to pray for his three friends. “The Lord has given and the Lord has taken away, praised be the Name of the Lord”. We can learn a lof from Job. Everything is overseen, and in the end, it will be worth it if we remain strong in faith.
Phill Dunn-Birch (34:27)
As everything in life is either allowed or given by our Father, we should have faith, in hope, with patience.
John Wall (35:35)
A look at Scriptural Madness. What madness looks like if you have faith in Christ, and if you don’t.
Matt Owen (31:56)
Looking at the various meanings of water in Scripture: Isaiah 55:1-5
Chris Farnworth (33:47)
Acts 11, Acts 12. Security. God is in Control
The security of knowing Yahweh’s in control
Simon Boyd (33:10)
Grace Makes You Free (Not Work)!
“Arbeit Macht Frei” was the sign above Concentration camps. “Work Makes You Free” - It’s a lie told through the centuries, a lie not just told by the 3rd Reich, but that we tell ourselves. It’s by Grace that we are accepted, and not because of the things we do.
Gordon Webb (27:03)
Being hospitable, to each other physically, but also to the thoughts of God and those ideas in our minds that together are called the: “mind of Christ”.
Clive Brooks (28:48)
Being Called from darkness to light. Jesus healed a man born blind. We are born without spiritual sight, but we too can be transformed by Jesus.
Clive Brooks (22:54)
Giving all we can, not what we can’t. In faith we are called to give everything we have, and Jesus sees the real worth of our gifts to Him.
Clive Brooks (26:25)
The Unwritten Chapters of Chronicles!
40 centuries ago Judah and Israel had good and evil kings, in Chronicles a gloss is placed over the bad, while the good is highlighted. The love of God covers over our faults, so let’s get up and try to live for Him.
Gordon Webb (Reading G.M Clements) (27:40)
Good King Hezekiah’s suffering, faith and humility in the face of challenges, how we can learn from him and his experiences
Julian Crisp (24:39)
Yahweh’s Strength In Our Weakness
How to be comfortable with our weakness. Allowing our lives to be filled up with Yahweh’s strength. Like Jesus (Yeshua) on the cross.
Clive Brooks (25:51)
Naaman - Unclean, a foreigner, a humbling example. Wise and brave servants. 2 Kings 5
Ray Coates (21:07)
Faith And Its Reward At The End
Our walk towards the Kingdom confidence in forgiveness, through Faith. Faith is always the answer. Mark 5
Clive Brooks (30:22)
A look at how to raise our game
Ray Coates (24:23)
Jesus Return Soon - The World In Its Last Days
Light in the darkness - getting ready for Jesus return